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Decebal și Traian
SKU: 979-8-9901920-0-3

Romanian translation of Decebal And Trajan.
Decebal și Traian este povestea anilor de mijloc (100-102 d.Hr.) ale războaielor daco-romane. Este povestită din punctul de vedere al Regelui Decebal și a poporului dac, care luptă pentru libertate și supraviețuire, precum și din punctul de vedere al Împăratului Traian care luptă pentru a revendica puterea Romei și pentru a restabili mândria și onoarea acesteia. Povestea lui Decebal și a lui Traian este o ciocnire epică a personalităților impunătoare și a conflictelor militare brutale care pot decide soarta a două națiuni.

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Yeshua: The Young Jesus of Nazareth
SKU: 979-8-9901920-4-1

“Compelling … for both religious readers and others who want to learn more about one of the most well-known historical figures of all time. Thorough research animates an important part of pre-biblical history. Our verdict: Get it"Kirkus Reviews

In ancient Galilee, his mother Mary called him Yeshua.This historical fiction novel tells the story of the early years (3—28 C.E.) in the life of Jesus. We follow his growth through childhood, family life before and after the death of Joseph, teen years, and young adulthood as the head of his family. Later chapters cover meeting John the Baptizer, and the beginning stages of his ministry in Capernaum.
Yeshua offers new insights to understand the person called Yeshua and those closest to him: his parents, four brothers, two sisters, relatives from the families of Clopas and Zebedee, and his fellow Nazarenes. In the fishing village of Capernaum, the mature Yeshua assembles a group of disciples and supporters. Key among them are the twelve apostles, and also many influential women, including Mary Magdalene and Joanna. This novel portrays their lives with candor, respect, and affection.
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Decebal Triumfător
SKU: 978-1-7367277-7-5

Romanian edition of Decebal Triumphant.
Decebal Triumfător este povestea primelor zile ale războaielor daco-romane (85-99 d.Hr.). Poveste este spusă din punctul de vedere al Regelui Decebal și al poporului dac aflat în luptă pentru libertate și supraviețuire, examinând, de asemenea, și intrigile Împăratului Domițian, ale unui militar în plină ascensiune pe nume Traian, dar și ale aristocraților romani care luptă pentru putere. Trecând dincolo de miturile istorice și stereotipurile hollywoodiene, acest roman spune bogata poveste a unor ciocniri epice între culturi și a conflictelor militare brutale care au modelat viitorul a două națiuni.
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Dacia In Rebellion
SKU: 978-1-7367277-4-4

117 A.D. After the death of King Decebal, the Roman Empire still struggles to control a rebellious Dacian people living in the territory called Free Dacia.
Emperor Trajan of the Roman Empire dies and is followed by young Emperor Hadrian, which creates violent political turmoil within the ruling elite of Rome. Taking advantage of Roman confusion and weakness, the Dacian rebels living in the unoccupied lands called Free Dacia launch a series of bloody attacks on the Roman occupied Dacia Traiana. 

Dacia In Rebellion tells the story of the Rome – Dacia wars in the post-Trajan period. It follows the developments of Dacian characters adjusting to a new way of life, including the growing spread of Christianity. It also tells the story of Hadrian’s struggle to gain power and establish his control over the Roman Empire.
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Decebal Defiant: Siege at Sarmizegetusa
SKU: 978-1-7349923-9-7

Trajan's second Dacian war.
105 A.D. King Decebal of Dacia stubbornly defends the freedom of his people and continues to defy the rule of the Roman Empire. Emperor Trajan marches north again to invade Dacia with the largest army in the history of Rome. Their legendary personal and military conflicts reach a dramatic climax beneath the walls of Sarmizegetusa, the holy city of Dacia and the most formidable mountain fortress of the ancient world.
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Decebal and Trajan
SKU: 978-1-7349923-7-3

Trajan's first Dacian war.
101 A.D. Decebal And Trajan is the story of the middle years (100 – 102 AD) of the Roman – Dacian wars. It is told from the point of view of King Decebal and the Dacian people fighting for their freedom and survival, and also from the point of view of Emperor Trajan fighting to assert Rome’s power and restore Rome’s pride and honor. The story of Decebal and Trajan is an epic clash of towering personalities and of brutal military conflicts that would decide the fate of two nations.
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Real People, Real ADHD: Stories of Struggles, Success and Inspiration
SKU: 978-1-7349923-5-9

Co-authored with Merle Kaplan, M.A. 
People with ADHD are not stereotypes. Each is a unique individual with unique strengths, challenges, struggles, and triumphs. Real People, Real ADHD is written by real people for real people. It is a book of intimate personal stories, each written or dictated by the person telling their story. It captures the rich diversity of personalities, occupations, interests, struggles, and creative coping strategies of the ADHD population. 
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Life With ADHD: Proven and Effective ADHD Coping Strategies For Real Life
SKU: 978-1-7349923-1-1

Highly effective strategies for ADHD management that have helped thousands of people. From one of the pioneer professionals in the field. Learn a step-by-step multimodal approach (behavior skills training, executive functioning skills, exercise, nutrition, life balance) to manage ADHD well with or without the use of medication. Learn proven and practical ways to improve attention and concentration. 
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Decebal Triumphant
SKU: 978-1-7367277-8-2

Decebal Triumphant is the story of the early days (85 – 99 A.D.) of the Roman – Dacian wars. It is told from the point of view of King Decebal and the Dacian people fighting for their freedom and survival, and also examines the intrigues of Emperor Domitian, a rising military star named Trajan, and the Roman nobility fighting for power. 

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