Dacia In Rebellion

Dacia In Rebellion

Rome-Dacia Wars 4
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117 A.D. After the death of King Decebal, the Roman Empire still struggles to control a rebellious Dacian people living in the territory called Free Dacia.

Emperor Trajan of the Roman Empire dies and is followed by young Emperor Hadrian, which creates violent political turmoil within the ruling elite of Rome. Taking advantage of Roman confusion and weakness, the Dacian rebels living in the unoccupied lands called Free Dacia launch a series of bloody attacks on the Roman occupied Dacia Traiana.

The fourth novel in the colorful and exciting historical fiction series, Dacia In Rebellion tells the story of the Rome – Dacia wars in the post-Trajan period. It follows the developments of Dacian characters adjusting to a new way of life, including the growing spread of Christianity. It also tells the story of Hadrian’s struggle to gain power and establish his control over the Roman Empire.

Paperback; Hardcover; e-book | 292 pages | 6x9 | 978-1-7367277-4-4 | October 18, 2022